April 20, 2011



MARCH 18, 2011

WHY ON THIS FLIGHT: Why does anyone take a flight? To escape of course. Escape on a family vacation to Cabo San Lucas was our reason. Sure my son’s high school Sr. spring break trip was the excuse, but getting away with family and friends was our real intent. We have nearly 50 seniors and their families on this trip. What a great way to “really” get to know your kids friends and the families that raised them. I always thought my son had the best group of friends and extended families. Now I know why, they came from great families. A high school senior spring break is much more than just a vacation. It represents the final release of the tight grip you keep on a teenager as they start on their journey to college. Spring break for these seniors was special. You could see as the mom’s and dad’s started to loosen their grips during the last week that the 17-18 year olds started to celebrate their new freedoms. They started planning their own activities. They began to look and act more mature. They took responsibility for their actions and those of their friends. In one short week I watched my son grow. It’s not easy letting go but, I am comfortable knowing he is surrounded by great friends from wonderful, fun, warm, caring families.

As I sit in 11D on my way back to Ausitn, I realize my son who is sitting next to me, is escaping. Escaping to a new life as a mature, self sufficient, happy adult….and I’m as proud as ever.

*MY TWO CENTS*: Mike told me that he followed his own format and it doesn’t bother me one bit. I love the fact that he has such a great relationship with his son, especially at that age. I am very close to my parents, but I wasn’t always my wonderful self, especially when I was a senior in high school. What a wonderful way to end his vacation, by expressing all the happy memories and letting his son know how extremely proud he is of him.

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