September 28, 2010


SEP 26, 2010

WHY ON THIS FLIGHT: I’m traveling to Australia to surprise my sister on the day of her wedding. Originally I didn’t intend to go as it was a last minute type wedding and it’s expensive to travel so far on such short notice. That may sound uncaring, but that’s not true. I’m saving for my wedding, me and my fiance have bought a house, and my sister just out of the blue, (4 kids and 12 years later) decides she has to get married! So I decided to put everything aside and be there if I could. Should be an awesome surprise, plus none of my family knows I’m coming!

FACT: I was Seymour in my high school play “Audrey II” based on “Little House of Horrors” when I was 13. Looking back, I really messed it up and am incredibly embarrassed, but I guess I was the best of a bad bunch.

BUCKET LIST: To be able to play “46 and 2” by Tool (Danny Carey) on the drums. Be able to afford to travel between Canada & OZ with my girlie, once or twice a year. Become a wonderful cook, learn Italian and see Europe

GUILTY PLEASURE: Afternoon cuddle in the sun. Eating ice cream with chunky chocolate bits, in bed all with a delicious book! Listening to hard rock music with hard rocking beats and intricate riffs while driving and cursing at the drivers who don’t know where their indicators or accelerators are. Oh, and the music must be loud enough for people to be annoyed by it.

*MY TWO CENTS: What an interesting guy! (cute too). I better not post this before his sister’s wedding or it won’t be a surprise. How funny that we get to see his super sensitive side…”afternoon cuddles” and then we see the extreme opposite…cursing at drivers, while annoying them with LOUD hard rock music! I LOVE IT. I drive the 126 miles to work (one way) on CA freeways 805, 5 & 405, I completely understand the frustration. I hope he has a great time at the wedding. I love surprises and this one is FANTASTIC!!!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting concept. We get to meet random people with different lives but one thing in common. Great idea. Loving blessings!
